Early Iron Period in Heilongjiang Province is divided into two phases, corresponding to Warring States Period, Han Dynasty and the Northern and Southern Dynasties in Central Plains. 黑龙江省的早期铁器时代可分为两个阶段,相当于中原地区的战国时代和汉魏南北朝时代。
This observation is called the law of corresponding states. 此观测结果就叫做对比状态定律。
The extended law of corresponding states ahd the generalization method of fluid 流体普遍化方法与推广的对应状态定律
In a classical computer, computations corresponding to different bit states must be carried out one after the other. 在古典电脑里,不同位元状态的计算必须依序逐一执行。
Modulation modes and corresponding states were selected according to the requirements advanced, and the calibration procedure was sure to be greatly simplified. 根据给出的条件来选择调制方式和相应产生标准的状态,将会使校准过程大大简化。
To investigate the thermophysical properties of endothermic hydrocarbon fuels, the method of fuel surrogate and principle of the extended corresponding states ( ECS) were reviewed briefly. 针对广泛应用于超燃冲压发动机的吸热碳氢燃料,简要介绍了用于模拟燃料热物理特性的替代燃料方法和广义对应状态法则。
Prediction of the viscosity of helium-3 are presented by using the modified quantum version principle of corresponding states and some reasonable result have been obtained. 利用改进量子对应态原理对氦-3的粘度性质进行了预测,取得了满意的结果。
Prediction of the viscosities for fluids with the shape factor corresponding states principles 形状因子对应态原理预测流体的粘度
The data of the thermophysical properties of mediums were deduced from the compression factors and the theory of corresponding states. 由压缩因子修正和对比态方法获得HIP介质的热物理性质。
Application of Shape Factor Corresponding States Principle to Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium 形状因子对应态原理用于混合物汽液平衡计算
The trouton's rule and the principle of corresponding states for saturated vapors and liquids 特鲁顿规则与饱和汽液的对应态原理
On the basis of the theory of surface-thermodynamics and the theorem of corresponding states a general equation of surface tensions is derived by using thermodynamic analytical method. 本文基于表面热力学理论和对比态原理,建立了一个量子流体表面张力的普遍化方程。
A Corresponding States Method for Calculating High Pressure Vapor-Liquid Equilibria 一个计算高压汽液相平衡的对应态方法
A New Version of the Shape Factor Corresponding States Principle 一种新的形状因子对应态原理
An empirical approach to the density estimations for explosives from their molecular structural formula using corresponding states principle is described, The average accuracy of the estimated densities for 101 cyclic compounds is 1.08%. 本文应用对应态原理建立了一种从凝聚炸药的分子结构式估算其最高装药密度的经验方法。应用此法对101种环状化合物的密度进行了估算,计算值与实验值的平均偏差为1.08%。
Estimation of Vapor Pressure for High Boiling Organic Compounds in Wastewater Treatment with Corresponding States Group Contribution CSGC方程估算污水处理中高沸点有机物蒸气压
The corresponding quantum key distribution scheme via W state is proposed. p-v-T's calculation of Helium-3 with the quantum mechanical principle of corresponding states 提出了一种网络多用户量子认证和密钥分配理论方案。利用量子对应态原理预测氦-3p-v-T性质
Some key information such as sessions and their corresponding states, operation results were saved by using a two-dimensional linked list in parallel reassembly process. 在并行重组过程中,采用二维链表保存(例如会话列表、相应状态和任务分配结果等)关键信息。
A new version of shape factor corresponding states principle ( CSP) was presented. 本文提出了一个具有保形溶液理论特点,且参考流体可以选择的新的形状因子对应态原理。
A new four-parameter corresponding states method is presented to correlate the generalized volumetric behavior of polar and non-polar working fluids. 提出了一种用于预测制冷工质热物性的新的通用四参数对比态方法。
Study of the thermal conductivities for the fluids and fluid mixtures with the shape factor corresponding states principle 形状因子对应态原理研究流体及混合物的导热系数
Numerical Analysis of the Principle of Corresponding States 对应状态原理的数值分析
Calculation and prediction of the enthalpy and entropy of helium-3 are attempted by using the modified quantum version principle of corresponding states. 作为尝试采用对改进的量子对应态原理,对氦-3焓和熵的热力学性质进行了计算和预测。
Vapor-liquid equilibrium calculations of semi-continuous mixtures by use of a generalized corresponding states equation 使用通用对应态方程计算半连续混合物汽液相平衡
It shows that there is a good result in a relative high temperature region using the modified quantum version principle of corresponding states. 结果表明,利用改进量子对应态原理的计算结果在较高的温区具有较好的精度。
Calculations of the thermal conductivities of helium-3 using the modified quantum version principle of corresponding states and the collision integrals model. 分别采用改进量子对应态原理和碰撞积分模型对氦-3的热导率进行了计算和比较。
The testing results accord with corresponding states for actual testing signals. The results prove that the fault diagnosis system based on wavelet analysis and neural network suggested in this paper can effectively diagnose the faults of the DC motor and improve the fault diagnosis accuracy in the motor. 测试结果符合实际测试信号对应的状态,结果证明了本文所设计的小波神经网络系统能够对直流电动机的故障有效地进行诊断,提高了电机故障诊断的准确性。
The corresponding development states are sustainable, mild unsustainable, moderate unsustainable, severe unsustainable and serious unsustainable. 各种风险状态所对应的发展状态依次为可持续、轻度不可持续、中度不可持续、重度不可持续和严重不可持续。
For propanal, eight different reaction pathways have been considered and the eight corresponding transition states have been located. 对于丙醛来说,考虑了八种不同的反应路径,计算了八个不同的过渡态。
When the physical temperatures of the systems are lower than the critical temperature, the corresponding thermal equilibrium states are entangled. With the increase of the temperatures, the thermal entanglement vanishes gradually. 当体系的物理温度低于此值时,相应的热平衡态就是纠缠的,但随着温度的升高,纠缠就逐渐消失。